I Don't Wanna be an Adult!

I don't wanna be an adult!

I don't wanna be that adult who sits on a normal seat in a park while there's an empty swings in front of them

I don't wanna be that adult whose life are dedicated to LinkedIn only

I don't wanna be that adult who are very rigid in every conversation with their boss.

I don't wanna be an adult who are chasing so hard for additional pennies that they take some times to wait in front of an absence machine.

I don't wanna be an adult who are not taking every slightest chance for being happy.

I still wanna play an ukulele, I still want to play in playground, climbing a spiderwebs or simply sliding off from the stairs. I wanna play with sand on  the beach, I want to eat cheap foods and eat chokichoki in the meantime, and also chocolate milk and crackers in work hour.

I want to be a colorful in a grey-ish world, I wanna spread M&Ms in a jar full of boring peanut and mix it into one big jar of M&Ms and peanut. I want to be the buzzing iron to a weak heartbeat. I want to be the smiley face in thousands of grumpy faces filling up the town

I want to rebel, I want to move against the grey stream and become me.

Though I'm in a huge labyrinth with a 0.0001% chance to found the escape door, I want to be trapped being me.

...a girl who loves to play swing on a playground.
pic by mas satria


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