Depression is a SERIOUS THING

I'm gonna talk about what I think it's serious, depression. One of deadliest soul's disease that killed many people, even famous ones. Maybe few of us have been experienced what depression really feels like. What do you think? Sweet?
No one lives happy forever. Everyone have that bad days in life, But when it turns out to be depression, it is something that we should fix, whether we fix it for ourselves or for everyone around us.
I have something that may help you think and change your mindset about everyone around you. I'm not really care about humanity but to live around with this depression, it's not a good way to live. So Read one by one.

1. Words can kill
That is literally true, not just another metaphor. Most of you, unconsciously have made someone hurt by your sayings. You think that's funny, but no, not for them. So, if you have done spreading some hurtful words, then spread some apology. Even you think it's silly to apologize, you know it's more silly if your friend dies because of depression. And who knows you contribute one word of their death.
For you who have been hurted by those sayings, I'm gonna hate to say this but go on. Jokes sometimes hurt, but we can't change the fact that it is a joke. All of stubborn people are out there and have no idea you've been hurted and won't ask for apology. So instead of making yourself hurt, it's better when you just say 'that jokes isn't funny' loudly. You know, awkward moment kills 'funny' people and they become a joke in the end.

2. It's not money that helps
If you seriously assume you have depression because you're out of money, I think you're dead wrong. How if you're broke and accidentally found a bag of million dollars in street? Would you be happy? Sure you are. You're also happy even you're not so broke. Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy all the shit you want. I agree with this one, BUT you can't be more happy than someone who have no money and still happy with that.
When you crazy for money, all you want to do is chasing the money and you can never get enough, And when you're old, rich, have everything, you may regret because that is not a happiness you seek. It's a money.
Compare yourself with a dustman, live in a small house with his kid and wife, but he's happy with that. He thanked to God of what he have now, he thanked he can eat good food, he thanked he still can work, and he thanked he has love growing on and on to his beloved family. This guy have an eternal happiness, and you just sit there, growing old and have all shit you want, just shit,

3. Don't  judge 
I write this with my deepest condolence when the funniest man on earth, Robin Williams, is dead. News said that he was died of suicide.
Robin Williams, the Oscar winner actor and comedian, has been battling severe depression and bring him to this asphyxia things. So tell me again money can buy happiness...
You just can't tell people by their appearance, their act in class, or their attitude. Yes maybe it defines major of things but that's not ALL things. Everyone have secret, and whether that secret is really hurtful or not, we just don't know. So back to my first point, it's words that can kill. Yes, you can judge people by their attitude, but your judge never define who they are exactly. They living their own life, not you.
Someone who has a deep smile, happy face can hide a deep and great pain. And you cannot feel the pain of crying in a loneliness without no one knows so just don't judge.

4. Don't tell, act.
You people may discover some of your friend who is in really really great depression. And this is important to you to know that your "I'm so sorry about your situation, I wish I can help. Don't throw a tantrum, don't do drugs" is the most useless thing will ever heard.
Depression can bring you to the use of drugs, heavy alcohol, throwing a tantrum, and everything that can make the stress is forgotten just a bit time. Even I can't tell that is wrong. When it comes to depression, all the second you can forget those problem is something valuable. If you just forbid them to stay away from those things, it can't help.
Let's start from calm them down by taking them for a travel for example, or eat a good food. You can make people happy by taking a good care of them so the pressure that keep pressing them is slowly loosing because the surroundings is responsible for what happened to them. When they're feeling better and better, they can stop doing those inappropriate things even you don't have to ask them.
Don't ask them to be patient, because when you're dealing with depressed people, it's you that have to be patient.
And for you feel depressed, I suggest to go out and find some air and the most important is, come to someone who support and be there for you always. If you think you don't have one, you have God. He's not talking back, but He can solve.

That's it. People, let's make our environment isn't filled by dumbass by change ourselves into an understanding, skeptical, and good-mouthed person. Dying in depression isn't something you want, honey.


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